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Oil contamination problem solved by design and supply of filter unit

23rd May 2021


Our customer is a large manufacturing and assembly facility based in the UK.
They supply components to the automotive sector therefore high quality and on-time deliveries are an integral part of their business.

The Problem

Our client were experiencing problems with oil contamination due to water and various other particles in their systems.
Oil contamination can cause dramatic failure to a hydraulic system and is a cause of 90% of all machine faults and downtime.
Our client were concerned that the continued problem could cause a major disruption in their time critical deliveries leading to them requesting HOS to assist with the problem.

The Solution

The HOS technical team visited our customer to inspect the contamination problem and assess the possible impact.
We designed and built a 3-micron absolute filter unit with a high dirt-holding capacity and a cellulose-based filter insert.
The filter is designed to remove particles, retain oil degradation products such as oxidation resin, sludge and varnish and absorbs/dissolves water from oil.
The filter unit was delivered and installed preventing further oil contamination issues for our customer.


By designing, manufacturing and installing the filter unit, we successfully found a solution to the oil contamination problem for our customer.
This ensured they could continue their supply without fear of machine downtime, a delay in supply or any reduction in quality of their products.

“The problem of oil contamination can cause serious issues for a company, it was great to work on this project and help our client continue their supply of critical parts to their automotive client.”
Paul Taylor – HOS Director